“The process towards the absolute truth:Who am I?First, I think I know myself.Second, I am not sure.Third, DOING THE MATH, an effort to dismantle all ego!Ask again, Who am I?” — Lawrence Pradhan “Enlightenment is a Joke. And you must see the ultimate joke to be free from your inner conflicts and fear.” — Lawrence Pradhan “Believe in no one.When you start to believe in someone on the spiritual path and deny doing the math on your side, you allow others to manipulate and take advantage of you!” — Lawrence Pradhan “Following someone is following their minds and experiences. And enlightenment is about the destruction of the mind and the experience.” — Lawrence Pradhan “All belief is ego-self. ” — Lawrence Pradhan “The truth is a backward, inward, and individual journey to see the unchanging truth” — Lawrence Pradhan “Thoroughness is a must to wake up from the dream to what is true!” — Lawrence Pradhan Comment