2017 has just begun…..There is a lot happening in my world and I believe some of you are experiencing the same. What we are experiencing is a message for us to create the better flow in life and practice. We all have been receiving the message from the beginning, to have a clear view in life. To get the essence of the message, we must learn to pause and reflect. Reflection puts us on the path of love when it is done with understanding. Life is about self love, the recognition of self love and self acceptance in universal sense. When the love is present within us, we naturally move out with the same love outwardly as well. This year I'm choosing consciously to be part of higher love.. 

Yoga has taught me a lot and one of the key elements I have learned from yoga is reflection, the meaning of reflection and how crucial the reflection is to maintain greater love towards ourselves and others. Life is about love and celebration of that love. To be part of that love we must have enough understanding. Understanding gives different height to the things that we are aligned with, hence the flow of life becomes meaningful. 

I'm consciously choosing to let go of some of the perceptions that I have held onto previously. We are always in motions in our lives and the motions change our perceptions because of different experiences over time. With the experiences we shift to align with the highest recognition, the beauty of life.

Letting go is a natural process in life. It is part of the practice and part of life. If we observe our surroundings mindfully, Nature is always teaching us. Letting go is a meaningful practice when it is done with understanding. However, sometimes your understanding might not resonate with others, and it is okay, if you are moving with the universal understanding then it's all good. 

Letting go comes from the place of appreciation, the deepest connection of the heart.

Letting go doesn't mean that we abandon things in one corner and forget about it and are not caring. Caring is letting go. Taking care of ourselves makes us choose right. Choosing right is part of letting go, it is letting go. All this takes place when softness is present in one self. Softness allows us to anchor in our own being and that make us hear our own heart. We will know what to welcome in life and what to discard in life, where life can be simple, joyous, celebratory.

Reflection is part of life. Reflection makes us connect to the deepest part of our hearts. Reflection is an opportunity to create a better root for ones' life and continue with the highest purpose in life. In the first place, we are here on planet earth in transition to celebrate life. It is our inherent calling of the heart. This calling is the universal flow reminding us every moment to moment to come home, back into our own heart and abide in it and move with it. 

We can abide in it by making conscious choices through mindful speech and mindful action. We are shaping our lives with our speech and action coming through us as expressions. Whether the expression is limited or unlimited, it is still an expression. To tap into the greater expression of life, we must choose consciously. Conscious choice is life. Life is consciousness, consciousness is life and we are consciousness.

Let us pause and soften and to be part of it. Let’s allow the softness to guide us to rearrange our heads and hearts. Let us move from this space to be part of the bigger picture, grandeur of life.

Spiritual practice is a vertical path, to move vertically we must let go of the baggage that has been dragging us. This is where the reflection comes in, to bring the spark in life where we can move with clarity. Vertical path is struggle. It is like swimming against the current. The struggles we are experiencing and recognizing are as important as respecting life itself, where grace invites herself to guide us home, where we become grace. Recognition is the start of the healthy practice.

Letting go is a tough practice and if we deny the natural process of life, then our lives start to stagnate.

Freedom requires effort. Freedom is worth trying for than doing nothing. In participating, we make the connection which becomes the inspiration to continue living. Little, little steps in life add to the bigger picture. Bigger picture is created with one stroke at a time.

Reflection is a chance to break the limited pattern, pattern that is not serving our hearts. To move vertically in life, it takes both physical and mental effort with awareness. To move towards effortlessness, to a certain extent, tremendous effort is required. When we stay in put with intention and effort, in time we set ourselves free where grace comes in naturally.

Reflection is an act of kindness to oneself and others. Reflection is openness of the heart, openness to life. 

“Anger puts us in the past. 
Softness puts us in the present. 
Choose wisely, and
Be free.”

Step back, soften, reflect and move with kindness and compassion to be part of yourself.

May we all come to recognize the highest with the practice of reflection and allow it to be the new beginning.

Om Namaha Shivaya.