For weeks I have been contemplating on how to start this blog. I feel difficult to translate the experience into words. I'm reminding myself while I'm writing this blog that the process will unfold when I learn to stay in put and be part of it. The more I do it, the better I get in what I do. Refinement comes through mindful participation!

This month I choose this title - "Recognition is love”. This title came to me as a flash of wisdom to awaken and inspire me. When we learn to step back, unplug from the fluctuation and stay awake with softness, grace comes in to show us the path of love.

Recognition is love! Genuine recognition brings the tears of joy which cleanses us inside out. Wakefulness comes in when we pause and soften. Softness helps us to organize our heads and hearts, then synchronicity in body and mind take place. If we feel regret or limitation from contemplation, then recognition hasn't been taken place fully yet. Stay with softness consciously and the door will open naturally. 

Sometimes it takes time to recognize the deeper love. I was doing back and forth to find clarity, in Love. In the flux of life, the more I learn to relax consciously, the more I could rearrange my head and the more I could walk the path with clarity.

Recognition of love comes from the place of softness and stillness.

Softness and stillness guide us how to integrate in life. These two elements anchored me in my own well being. Moving from this state is love, and being in love. Openness to life happens naturally. We open ourselves to the mystery of life.

We do the practice to bring clarity, however after that the tendency is to flip back into limitation. This is what I caught myself doing. After being settled and spacious in the mind and heart, I was putting the energy back into the past thinking about how to undo the past or how I could have done it better. We can never undo the past. When a cup is broken, you can reattach it back together but it will never be the same. What we can do now is to be mindful to this given moment and participate in it consciously. 

The moment I connect to the past limited event, I was losing the connection to be part of the wakefulness. The more I indulge myself in the past, the more I lost contact with the moment of life. 

However, my further contemplation with softness showed me what I was doing and saved me. Recognition came in. Reminded myself past is past, I learned from it and continue to do what I resonate with and maintain openness to the further flow in life. This way I could open myself to the mystery of life rather than misery. This was a very subtle learning for me where I could recognize the inner current of life. This was simply my recognition of love for me.

We are all going through different flavors of experiences. Experience has to be there to recognize the deeper love and love is the innate calling of the heart. When the experience comes, to have a better perspective of the experience, we need to maintain a quiet mind. Though sometimes it is hard to maintain a quiet mind because of the intensity of our experience.  In the beginning its hard to soften and quiet down. It takes time and mindful effort.  What we need to do is to stay connected to the practice of softness and silence first, without even analyzing on how to come out of the limitation. Then, the more we maintain the practice of softening and quieting, the more we are sharper in the mind to clear the things that are not serving us to grow spiritually. 

Experience is an imprint. Imprint of past experience is always present in us. We can’t deny the imprint. Feeling of regret may arise. When it comes, we stay soft and settle first. Once we feel home in the body and mind, then we can look for the highest knowledge on how to make things better without feeling regret or mad to do the work. Aware participation is freedom. Awareness is love.

Life feels melodious when we pause to soften. These days, life is so busy and fast that we have forgotten to tap into the inner current of life and move from it. Life is losing it's soothing melody. Life flows graciously when we recognize the subtle wisdom that holds us together.

To recognize the inner current of life, we must step back from the continual effort and value our inner world. Valuing the world within and listening to ones' own heart can move us from the place of darkness to light. 

Freedom is not cheap. Freedom won’t take place in one day.  We are able to taste freedom by doing the work mindfully.  When the effort is present, we move from the place of doing to undoing. Life is about that, doing to recognize that we are love.  

Deeper love could be recognized through meditation. When we start to embrace the silence, we go through some fluctuations. Fluctuation is already a shift. When the shift is taking place we flip back to the past pattern. Why? Because the silence is so powerful and intense. It dominates the mind and mind doesn't like it.

Embracing the silence is not easy especially if the mind is used to the noise. It is difficult for the mind to be part of silence . Noise is entertaining and mind loves the colorful flavors coming in. However, to be part of the deeper reality of life, noise has to be cut down. Silence is necessary. Silence is the death of violence. End of violence is love. When we start to be part of the silence, love starts to grow in us and we eventually recognize that we are love.

Choosing right happens when we give ourselves space to soften. Softness is strength. Mindful softening provides graciousness to life where higher recognition takes place. Recognition is freedom and love. Like music, it only sounds good when pauses are presence between the notes. The pauses between the notes make the music melodious. Continuous notes are noises. Over effort is noise. Noise is irritation to the mind and body, where synchronicity disappears. 

Through the quiet practice, I have learned to embrace the silence. Silence gives chance to undo the pattern.  Silence nourishes us. The more I embrace quiet time and create space for myself, the more potent the flow of life has become for me. 

Recognition is love.
Love is freedom.
Freedom is You.
Recognize You! 
Pause, soften and be free.
