“Truth is neither a belief nor an experience.” It is a plain sight puzzle to see. There is no such thing as called stages of awakening. There is only one kind of awakening, awakening to the truth; all conflicts and fear dissolve when it happens. 

The truth is simply about stepping back and dismantling all beliefs and seeing the truth behind the veils. So all my upcoming blogs are just merely an invitation for you to differentiate between true enlightenment and ego pursuit. And acquaint the steps to arrive at the truth through a simple, direct, and thorough deconstructive approach of the ego, self, belief, mind. 

When we understand the difference between the absolute reality and Maya’s fantasy realm, choosing the path is more accessible and lessens the conflicts. Understanding and dismantling what’s not true helps us let go of the facets of false reality and keep the journey simple.

Waking up is a conscious effort. Everybody needs to do the math to see what is truth within—the only equation that could save us from suffering and pain. If we are sincere in burning down what is not true and see the puzzle, we end up with true self. And the journey can come to an end. Yes, the enlightenment journey ends—the end of the spiritual journey brings easy living.

Failure to see what is true is not knowing the approach and the biased attitude on dismantling the ego, belief, or preference we hold and cling on. Enlightenment is a thorough and unbiased approach.

One reason to join this page is that nothing has worked so far to dissolve the inner conflicts and fear. Suppose you are in the realm of never-ending conflicts and fear. If you are interested in overcoming the issues and knowing who you are, don’t give up and acquaint the straightforward approach to True-Self. 
